Sleeping Lady – by Marlene Saliba
The Sleeping Lady will one day awake
after such hard, dismal patriarchal eras.
Her mind shall know
how to relate all cultures
and every genuine spiritual value.
Her sensitive hands shall find the balance,
the unity between the veins of the earth
and the veins of the stars.
With care and wisdom this woman will heal
our pains, discords, griefs.
All types of pollution shall cease.
The environment will regain its strength.
Through her, gathering, spinning, weaving
the tales and truth of the centuries,
one cell after another is being formed.
Our revered and perennial ideals
will one Spring take flower.
The Sleeping Lady is inside every one of us.
We are all a part of her.
When we let her awake softly… surely…
this race shall reap unending joy, harmony,
unending peace.
Dedicated to the terracotta “Sleeping Lady” found in the prehistoric Hypogeum of Hal-Salflieni, Malta. And to that sacred unconscious part that lies within us all, women and men.