About Kyle King ~


“Truth is powerful and it prevails”

~ Sojourner Truth

In the past decade, we have all witnessed a great deal, across the globe. We have found ourselves living in an ongoing and at times, devastating era of change, forcing a redefinition of our lives and careers, not to mention reassessing our very values!

With years of education, travel, in-depth study & various certifications under my belt, I started my first coaching company in 2000. Stellar Life Coaching was my 4th endeavor into the world of business. Several other of the previous businesses were sold successfully, but Stellar Life Coaching was my 2nd on my own. My first solo business was a health food store in a little Colorado ski town, that just didn’t make it. In the year 2000, I was a newly single mother and working my tail off to provide for my family.

After decades of experience working with clients as an executive coach, astrologer, feminist, activist, ceremonialist and seer, my skills are now solid. In my profession, it’s been my priority to empower my clients and encourage self awareness in such a way that traumas and the pain of the past is not only honored, it is gently transformed into strength for my students at more than reasonable rates. You will not find empty promises from me, but skillful and conscious support for you to understand you; what inspires you and how to listen to your own deep awareness of what’s important and productive for you, your work, your family and your life.

On a personal note, I’m the mother of 5, grandmother to more and the happy spouse to my long time best friend; a rock climber and adventurer. We live in the far north region of Arizona, U.S.A, surrounded by piñon and ponderosa, canyons and mountains, coyotes, snakes, hawks and ravens.

Our off the grid lifestyle is amazing and we are thriving here on our little ranch in the middle of everywhere.

Ready To Make A Change?