FEBRUARY 25, 2017
Cassandra was the daughter of Priam & Hecuba, the king & queen of Troy (you know, that ancient city that some believe is mythological but in fact, the ruins are located along the Aegean Sea in Turkey). Troy was engaged in a 10 year war with the Greeks when they delivered a huge wooden‘Trojan Horse’ through the city gates as a gift. The Trojan’s didn’t know there were soldiers hiding in the belly of the horse, but soon found that out when they completely sacked Troy.
Cassandra, who foretold what was to come to Troy, was again discounted so she sought sanctuary in the temple of Apollo. She was a priestess of Apollo, so hoped she would be spared if she was there. She wasn’t spared, but brutally raped and taken as prisoner by the Greeks. This, after suffering years of being discounted as a loon by her own people.
After a spell of slavery, she was taken as concubine by King Agamemnon… and of course he also raped her as well as fathered twins on her. When they returned to the king’s home, his wife butchered all of them. Even her kids. Oh, and she knew all this was to happen, but at that point she had stopped saying anything…
No One Was Listening.
Cassandra had the gift of prophecy, but she was also cursed. According to legend, her prophetic abilities were caused by serpents tickling her ear while she was sleeping one night in Apollo’s temple. Eventually, Apollo thought he deserved some sexual repayment for his generosity (his serpents gave her the gift). Cassandra, was a celibate (Apollonian) priestess & refused his amorous advances. The sore loser, Apollo made it so that no one would ever believe her prophesies.
The Cassandra syndrome or complex, which is applied in cases of valid alarms which are disbelieved, was named by the French Philosopher Gaston Bachelard in 1949. Generally it’s referred to regarding politics, psychology and philosophy. Lately, those who have tried to enlighten others about the now current state of affairs are struggling with a Cassandra-like powerlessness.
No one’s listening — not really. There’s some outrage about treason or collusion in and among the highest office of the US, but little else. The bulk of us are not present for just how important all these details are. There’s the constant hailstorm about “fake” news and the Russian “ruse”, while what my inner Cassandra keeps saying is…
“you are all are in SERIOUS trouble — shit’s about to get real!”
“Reality” is where this drama is unfolding… and we are pretty distracted, so we aren’t getting the bigger picture. Technically, we are on a pinnacle of choice — RIGHT NOW.
We can either thrive as a WORLD community, become more soul driven, open hearted, telepathic, profoundly compassionate, generous, life affirming, embrace the divinity we all share and slowly move towards a world of more joy and abundance…
… we simply continue down this road we’re on right now— and we pretty much blow ourselves up.
What’s true is this — No one escapes this kind of nightmare. We’re all on the same planet, right? And really, there’s no amount of money or power that will save anyone from what is being constructed, which is why it’s so important to understand what’s actually happening. Metaphorically, here’s a Trojan Horse in the White House, and it’s full of people, ideas, methods and hatred intent on our collective undoing — If it’s not already obvious, this requires immediate action on the physical level, but more importantly, on the level of our souls.
You probably have a good idea of the things happening right now and you are either upset, furious, frightened, indifferent, super stoked or elated. For some it’s the end of the world, for others this is the beginning. Doesn’t it seem odd that it’s such a confusing mess and the people are so opposite in their positions?
It’s not. This is exactly how it works… Divide and conquer, which is what’s happening. Distraction is the best weapon to veer us off the facts and get us frothed up about things that will be unimportant in short order.
What’s most important is to recognize who’s actually calling the shots and how the idea of deconstructing the values and very basis of democracy is their goal — all this wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket of soothing words and chummy dialogs, but with obvious malevolent undertones.
This isn’t about capitalism, socialism or communism… It’s not designed to support “the people”, but it is designed to steal our energy and cripple more people than we can imagine. This dismantling of basic human consciousness is the problem, and ultimately it is not going to be about jobs, climate change or health care.
We have a group of evil monsters at the helm — silver tongued spin doctors who are trying to encourage us to hate each other because of our differences and become something we are not. Fearful, hateful humans — like them. They have brought this Trojan Horse into the center of our country and frankly, we allowed it.
What’s important now is for each person who sees something amiss, takes the time to start learning how to see the real truth. Turn on a video of one of the main players of this coup. Trump or Bannon, Priebus or Conway… any of those will do. Listen to them, but also watch. Then do it again, but turn off the audio. Just watch them. What you’ll see is something very obvious and it will chill you to the bone.
Step one in this revolution is to understand — essentially — what exactly we are facing.
And it’s not what you think.