FEBRUARY 20, 2017
(March 21, 2018 …. This was written over a year ago… but there are currently new developments that indicate the Universe was guiding us towards these players and pointing out the onslaught of our American country through these backroom deals and data manipulation.)
Sleepless and long hours passed last night as I learned what the depth of our current global circumstances actually are. It involves the illegal appropriation of the recent election and who is behind it — and why. (If anyone reads this who doesn’t know me… there’s some other worldly info I receive that tends to be spot on.)
Regardless of what you may hear or what you are concerned about (no matter what side of the election you were on), if you are confused about what’s true, here is what I “heard”.
1. #45 was illegally put into office. This occurred because of faulty or mis- information (‘fake’) delivered to the masses through the “web” (do they mean the internet?) and with support from investors and foreign governments. #45 is dispensable, easy to control and mentally unfit for the position — but it is due to his mental illness that other low energy beings resonate with him and there are enough of them to keep him going.
2. The goal of all this is to further financial gains for a small sector of the world and steal control of the global market, conscious minds and lives. The earth and many people on the earth are NOT a concern for these infiltrators, which explains why pipelines are going forward, coal is being dumped in our water supply and immigrants are being refused or forcibly removed. Water, not oil will be in higher demand with these changes. We are guided to listen to and support the Native Americans, as they are directly involved with the world’s survival. Next thing to occur will be that many of us will be “detained” & imprisoned for no reason. This also explains the rise in white supremacy — fear begets more fear, which lowers human frequencies.
3. At the top of the chain is not Bannon, but a person named Robert Mercer, computer scientist and CEO of Renaissance Technologies. He contributed over $25 million to various GOP candidates in 2016. First he gave $12 million to Cruz — but switched over to DT mid stream when Cruz was losing (remember how poorly organized DT’s campaign was last summer?).
4. Breibart news received $10 million when Bannon was working for them, but moved to DT once Mercer began supporting his campaign. Although it appears that Bannon is DT’s puppeteer, it’s actually Mercer.
5. Conway was president of Mercer family super pac “Make America #1”, which supplied $12 million to his campaign. When Mercer began funding DT, she moved over to his campaign too.
6. Bossie now works for a non-profit called “America First Policies”, which is now a non-profit that’s set up to back DT’s policies, world wide, and communicate directly with DT’s supporters, eliminating the media completely. (DT’s addictive tweeting and disparaging commentary about the media is much deeper than his fragile ego’s insistence that the media is against him.)
7. Mercer is heavily invested through his hedge fund in fossil fuel and big oil all over the world. He also funds the Heartland Institute, which runs US conferences for anti-climate science activists. With Pruitt and Tillerson in cabinet positions, there is no need for politicians. Climate change deniers are in control in the US, while big oil is running our foreign policy.
8. Cambridge Analytica is a company that combines data mining and data analysis with micro-targeted communication for political parties and elections. Mercer funds this company. Wikipedia has information on this company and it’s goals. We are all potentially being targeted and our information gathered via social media, credit cards and bank info in an effort to gain political and economic control.
9. How to fight this… We have to do it head on — as many of us are already doing. What you see online and from many media outlets is accurate. Rather than take my word for it, start to navigate towards information that resonates for you. Learn which publications are accurately reporting and keep reading it. If someone believes what #45 says and that his body functions don’t smell, stop relating with them or trying to show them the truth. Bless them and retreat. You just focus on the truth that your inner wisdom is delivering to you (you will feel an opening in the center of your chest — like a breath). It only takes 10% of us actively resisting this force of insanity, but also making the determination to wake up — This requires not only activism (i.e. Marches, calls to lawmakers, resistance activity, constant badgering — etc.) but determining to learn how to focus differently. This is a type of inner focus that can be taught. Seek out teachers who can help you, myself included.
OK… that’s all I received last night. I hope it help you understand what’s happening better.
Blessings… and much love.