Being Well ~

To live in your true essence

“During this past decade, we have witnessed a great deal, especially here in the U.S. We are currently finding ourselves living in a significant era of change, forcing a redefinition of our lives and careers, not to mention reassessing who we engage with and how we proceed!

In particular, women of childbearing age, women of color and people who don’t follow norms in society are at a crossroad. The situation in the world is tenuous, while for most living in the U.S. life will become quite difficult. Women, in particular, have experienced our basic human rights removed, while collectively the total breakdown of our country’s rule of law is now in effect.

These changes call for women to step into a new and more determined era of resistance and the uncovering of our innate power. We know just being active politically isn’t enough, so we are tasked with a need to uncover our deeper currents of strength.

What is required of us is a deep, thorough examination of our abilities and if found to be lacking, a concerted effort to step into our power through an extensive and complete overhaul of how we approach our lives.

This is where working with me resides. The fundamental steps for self awareness are outlined and encouraged, using my skill as an astrologer and mystic to uncover hidden gifts and strengths you already possess, while developing new potentials inherent to you, at the same time.

After decades of working directly with clients as an executive coach, astrologer, feminist, activist, ceremonialist and seer – my skills are now solid. In my profession, it’s been my priority to empower my clients and encourage self awareness in such a way that traumas and the pain of the past are not only honored, they are gently transformed into strength and capabilities for my students.

You will not find empty promises from me, but skillful and conscious support for you to understand YOU; what inspires you and how to listen to your own deep awareness of what’s important and productive for you, your work, your family and your life.

Click the button below to connect with me for a free interview to determine whether we are able to work together.

Ready To Make A Change?